
Welcome to Easybaked!!
Hi!  My name is Ruthanne, and I want to welcome you to Easybaked!  I am so glad you are here!  If you have visited this page I’m sure you are curious about the behind-the scenes details of Easybaked.  If you want to know all the who-what-where and when answers then you are in the right place

About me:

About me...Let’s state the obvious right away and get it out of the way.  I love to bake!!!

I’m not what anyone would call an experienced baker.  I’ve not tackled many of the fancy pastry-chef type delicacies that many bloggers showcase.  That’s not to say I never will…I love trying new things and I’d love to become better at the art of creating wonderful baked goods.  I just love simplicity.  Scratch that….I need simplicity.

I used to work full time in a clinical genetics lab.  Mainly, I helped to diagnose and monitor treatment of cancer in adults and developmental disorders in children. I also led a college- age ministry through my church, which is where my love of baking creative, but EASY desserts was born (is there anyone more appreciative of sweet desserts than college kids?!?) They are the reason I stepped outside the box of “following the recipe” and began baking my own creations.

Currently, I work with an incredible mission organization called Josiah Venture. We are a working with local churches in Eastern and Central Europe (all post-communist countries) to reach young people with the message of God’s love for them through Jesus. My role with this organization is state-side. I recruit, mobilize and send college-age interns over to help with ministry each summer. You can read more about Josiah Venture and what they are doing here.

I also, as of March 2019 am married to a wonderful man named Nick. He was a part of that college group I led back when I started this blog, and our long friendship turned into a dating relationship and engagement in 2018. He loves desserts and trying new things- so we are a perfect match!

Finally, we have 2 wonderful dogs named Casper and Shadow. Casper is a Coton de Tulear (a breed I’d never heard of until I met him!), and Shadow came with Nick and is a rescue dog. We think he is part Border Collie and part Shepherd. He is smart and the calm to Casper’s chaos!

About Easybaked:

EasybakedEasybaked was born when I grew weary of copying out recipes for friends and family and had the idea of just putting them online for easy access.

I feel like every blogger says this, but I had no idea this site would blossom into what it is today.  I have to pretend there aren’t so many of you reading this when I post a recipe or I would be paralyzed by triple checking it for errors.  I also never thought someone from a foreign country would read this– so I didn’t ever consider the implications of ingredients that aren’t available overseas!  I am still a little shocked by all the different countries represented by my followers.  So fun!

The recipes here are very easy to duplicate in your kitchen.  Occasionally I get a little crazy and try something more complicated, but I will try to be honest with you about that when I do.

I know that many of you are purists and abhor the idea of cake mix and pre-made ingredients, but these things are a lifesaver for me (and many other busy people, I suppose).  When I come across a from-scratch recipe that is truly better than a pre-packaged item I will share it.   My goal is quick and fun recipes- ones that a busy working mom could pull together after work and still “wow” her family with.

The Easybaked blog is set up with a “search” box in the sidebar.  You can type in anything from cheesecake to pecans and it will find recipes for you.  If you are a more visual person you can browse recipes by pictures in the “photo gallery“. If you see a picture you like, just click on it and it will give you the recipe.

About the photography:

Easybaked photographyWhen I began Easybaked I used a Canon point and shoot, and I shot some truly terrible pictures of food.  If you don’t believe me, go back to the beginning and check them out…awful!

I borrowed a Nikon from my sister-in-law and gradually improved at lighting, exposure and setting up food for photography.

I use a Nikon D5200 now, usually in a Light Box with halogen lighting.  I’m still learning and growing in this and I have a long way to go.  Food photography is one of the unexpected joys I’ve found in blogging.  A brand new hobby!

All of the photos on this page were done by Megan Ramminger Photography in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  She does beautiful work and if you live in the area and need a photographer I highly recommend her!

About the links:

I often link to sites that help to explain things I am talking about or to recipes that I used for inspiration.  If a link takes you to Amazon.com, it is attached to my blog and if you make a purchase I get a small percentage of what you pay.  I only link to products I genuinely use and love.  This is a small way to cover the costs involved with baking a million desserts for all of you 🙂

About contacting me:

I am always excited to be asked to contribute a recipe or an article to various publications.  This is another surprise benefit to blogging.

If you need to contact me, please email me at contact.easybaked (at) gmail (dot) com.

Or send me a message though the easybaked facebook page.

So glad you are here~ enjoy your visit!!


EB photo28- crop

129 responses »

  1. Wow! I tried these cookies and they’re great! I love sweets and I can only eat about two of them, they are soooo rich! Thanks for sharing and keep it up!

  2. I’d love to use your flip flop cookie photo so that I can share your post on my site – please let me know if that’s okay ~ Kit

  3. I am really lame with my photos of crafts and and food 😦 Finally realizing I need to invest in a better camera to really start learning. What do you use and is it a super complicated camera?

    • I have a Nikon Coolpix 8800 that my WONDERFUL sis-in-law is letting me borrow indefinitely. It has more features than I understand (I am in process). Its an older camera, but I am telling myself that if I can learn to take good pictures without any fancy equipment that in the long run I will be a better photographer…lighting has been my biggest challenge and submitting blog photos to sites like foodgawker has helped me so much (56 rejected, 7 accepted….and counting…..) 🙂

  4. Thanks and good for you for submitting! My dad and sister are both professional photographers…i just don’t have the gene. They’ve tried over the years but I can’t remember everythign…f stop… aperture etc. But they say I have a good eye 😉

  5. Pingback: Versatile Blogger Award | Running the Windy City

  6. BEAUTIFUL blog! 🙂 Thanks for visiting mine!

  7. Hi Ruthanne,

    Thanks for commenting on simple speedy snacks. I am a huge fan of the photography on your site. Yes, I like this theme as its bright, fun and fresh, I have looked at lots of different ones but have found this theme suits the concept for my blog better than the rest! Everything looks so delicious on you blog, what camera do you use?

    Happy baking!


  8. Just read an above comment which informs me of the camera you are using! I need to invest in a good camera!

  9. Your blog is really beautiful. I just started mine this week and I have A LOT to learn!! How did you add the recipe box on the right side? Did you write the html for that or is there a widget?

    • Oh WELCOME to blogging 🙂 I started mine last spring and it was such a STEEP learning curve for me- lol! The recipe box is a widget- its called “categories” and you can name it whatever you wish and it creates a drop-down. If you need help with anything else just ask 🙂

  10. We love your treats! Thank you for sharing your delicious sweets with Ganz Parent Club readers. Please let us know if / when you set-up a Twitter account for EasyBaked. We’d love extend you some Twitter love.

    – GanzWorld team.

    • Thanks for inviting me to contribute– I’ve learned a lot and I love the community you have– so many fun ideas for parents and kids!
      I am not on the twitter bandwagon yet, but I have a feeling it is on the horizon!

  11. Yes, we do loooooooove them!

  12. Hi Ruthanne,

    Could you share your set-up (or is it your friend Brie?) for your beautiful food photography? What lens do you use mostly? 🙂 Looks like macro lens!

  13. Hi Evon. I am SO not a professional photographer! I do all of my own photography (Brie gives me tips though!) and I use a Nikon Coolpix 8800 that I’m borrowing. It does not have interchangeable lenses. I am borrowing a camera from Brie that does, but it is a steep learning curve for me as I don’t have any time for classes!
    I created a light box out of an old cardboard box and sheets of vellum and I use foam board for a backdrop and also to reflect light- I use a set of two halogen lights that you can get at a hardware store (that get incredibly hot and have melted many a chocolate dessert).
    I am very low end and beginner level. Someday I hope to get “real” equipment and a higher end camera, but for now I am enjoying the challenge of learning about light and exposure and balance and focus on my own.
    Thank you so much for calling my photography beautiful- it made my day. 🙂

  14. Hi, Ruthanne! I came across your lovely blog and would love to feature your creations on our Facebook Page for our Coffee Cafe app (it’s an iPhone game, but blogging about real dessert is much more fun!). We would obviously refer to your blog/FB page and post the links so our readers can enjoy the site as well. I’m leaning towards the cupcakes you made for Casper because I also have 2 maltese dogs myself so I’m a little biased! Please let me know if you’re interested. Thanks very much for your time! And delicious desserts! 😀

    You can check out our FB page here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Coffee-Cafe-App


    Moxy Games

  15. I would love to second that notion! Your recipes, photography and styling are all gorgeous! I’m a newcomer to blogging myself and love seeing what folks are up to out there and the incredible skills they have (I’m so jealous!)

    Again congrats on your beautiful blog and look forward to reading of more…

  16. Hi Ruthanne – It was great to meet you at Ryan’s wedding last week! I love your blog and I’ve already told several friends, relatives and co-workers to check it out. Beautiful photos and wonderful recipes.

  17. I am IN LOVE with this blog! I love love love to bake, and with the amazing pictures you have for all of your treats, I just want to drop the computer and make them all NOW! Thank You so much for sharing all of these amazing recipes with us!!

  18. Hello Ruthanne!

    Your blog just made my day! it’s fun and happy and all things sweet and cute. I’ve only recently started a cooking blog and I completely feel what you mean about everything being mostly trial and error – and that’s exactly what makes baking/cooking fun! You never know how the outcome’s gonna be!

    Love the photos that you have too – I would love to take much better food pictures, but i guess time will help me improve my food photography. Thank you so much for being such an inspiration!

    Have a great week!!

    Simple Gluten-Free Recipes That Actually Taste Good

    • Thanks so much Felicia! You made my day with this comment! Welcome to the blogging world– my goodness you have been cooking up a storm this summer- I was amazed at how many recipes you’d already posted! VERY cute blog- I love the name and the set-up is really unique- I like how you can see bits of previous posts. I think you never “arrive” with food photography– I think I will always think I could have done better- which makes it a challenge and I love challenges! Nice to meet you! Best of luck on the blog– I’m a follower! 🙂

      • So cool that you dropped by my blog & are following me! I’m follower of your posts now too! Yeah, looking back over the past few months, it’s hard to believe that I’m cooking so much now compared to the past when I was completely lost in the kitchen! I swear no one in my family can believe I’m cooking!

        Very very nice to meet you too!! Thanks for your very positive comments on my site – and I’m glad to know that we never actually “arrive” at food photography perfectionism – because it seems I really never do arrive!!

        Have a fantastic labor day weekend!! 🙂 Take care Ruthanne!


  19. Love your blog! There are so many great recipes I want to try :).

    Very interesting about your newfound love of food photography. I’m debating whether I should invest in my first entry level DSLR camera. Your pictures look fantastic! What kind of camera do you use and how did you learn the basics?

    • Hi! Thank you!!! I still haven’t invested in a DSLR…I’m using (borrowing!) my sis-in-law’s camera- a Cool Pix 8800. I am learning the basics via you tube, blogs and friends who know photography. I’d love to take a class, but so far I haven’t found one that fits my schedule. A new (my very own!) camera is in the budget right now…I just need to decide what I’d like to get– I’ve narrowed it down to a few models… 🙂 Nice to meet you!!!!

  20. I am signed up to receive notifications of new yummy recipe posts by email and I get the emails but they are always blank. Please remove me from the list and I will try to sign up again.
    Thanks, Rose

    • Hi Rose– I tried- but you are not listed anywhere in my list of email followers…? I know when you sign up that you get a confirmation email you need to open up…maybe that wasn’t opened? I’m not sure what to tell you– I’m sorry 😦

  21. Thanks for following my blog, and thank you for introducing me to yours! I want that peanut butter layer cake right now!

    Your pics are great too – I look forward to seeing more of your food adventures.

  22. What a gorgeous blog… and what lovely recipes 🙂 So happy to be following! Really exciting stuff here!

  23. Hi there – Thanks for visiting my blog and for the follow, Your blog looks nice! Cheers! 🙂

  24. Hi I have nominated you Congratulations!
    Please I hope you”ll enjoy Have a look on my post!!!

    The world is full of magic


  25. Thanks for following my blog. I hope my blog is as inspiring as I find yous. 🙂

  26. There is NO WAY you’re not a pro – both with baking and food photography. This is a class act blog!

    • You made me smile –thank you! But I am definitely not a pro— lol! I am getting a “real” camera for Christmas though– soooo excited!!! YOU, on the other hand have beautiful amazing photography and I love visiting your blog!

  27. Hi! Just stopping by to say I really enjoyed following you in 2012 and have nominated you for a Sunshine Award. If you’re interested in accepting, pop by http://missmarzipan.com/2012/12/31/100th-post-today-with-belated-yet-grateful-responses-to-18-award-nominations/ for more details. If not, no worries :)- I gave you a nice shout-out in any case… and I wish you a very happy 2013!

  28. Hi 😀 I nominated you for the Liebster Award check it out here http://sweetsandbrains.wordpress.com/2013/01/14/liebster-award/ lots of random questions to answer hehe.

  29. I love your blog so much that I had to nominate you for the “Sisterhood of the World Bloggers” Award. I couldn’t not! Your blog is just so wonderful!!

    Here is a link to the rules and badge, if you want to take part.

    Sister (And Brother!)hood of the World Bloggers Award

  30. Hey, RuthAnne, I just found your blog because you were on Happy Domesticity’s list for an award. I am so glad I did. I love your stuff already! Can’t wait to see more.

  31. Goodness….THREE of you offering me awards- thank you all so much–I really am honored. It really means a lot when fellow bloggers give you a shout out. I promise I will return the favor someday soon! {hugs!}

  32. ciao! luvFAB blog.

  33. I would like to UNSUBSCRIBE from receiving emails from EasyBaked. It causes problems when I try to delete the email. Please help!

    • Hi Mary! I’m so sorry you are having problems with the emails. WordPress doesn’t allow me to unsubscribe for you, you will have to unsubscribe. Here is a link that might help you with doing that. I think that at the end of each email you get is an “unsubscribe” option, but if that doesn’t work there is a place you can request it. Click here for help. Thanks for asking- I’m so sorry I can’t just do it for you! ~r

  34. Your blog is gorgeous! And so are your photos!! You are very talented and I’m so happy to have stumbled across you today =)

    • Thank you– yours is so much fun too- oh my….all that Mexican food! Made me hungry!!! I’m happy you stumbled across easybaked too- because now I know about your site!!! 🙂

  35. Hello Ruthanne!
    I’ve nominated you for the Addictive Blog Award! Congrats!!

    Addictive Blog Award! Thank you!

    • You are so sweet Felicia– thank you!!! I will return the favor soon– I get so wrapped up in recipes that I am really bad paying it forward with awards…soon though!

  36. Ruthann! Your food photos make my mouth water! Loving the “real life experience” tips. From one foodie to another – have a blessed day! 🌺

  37. Thanks for following my blog. Hope you enjoy the recipes. I’ve got lots of scrumptious Red Velvet goodies posted up at the moment!

  38. Everything I’ve seen looks incredible! Nice work! So hungry now, even though I just ate…

  39. I just read your “About” page. Your pictures a great and they are what makes people want to try the recipes. You are a very talented lady and I am glad you are using your talents that God gave you for His glory. You make a lot of people SMILE AND HAPPY IN THE HEART AND STOMACH! 🙂
    Really, a good dessert brings so many people together in fellowship and contagious smiles. We need all of that we can get. Think of how many church fellowship meetings and family gatherings you have been a part of. God bless you always.

    • This is the sweetest comment ever. You really just made my day– thank you so much! My friend Dawn read this and said I should print it off and frame it to remind myself of why I bake and blog. Really- you made my day- you’re so sweet! {hug}

  40. I meant every word! 🙂

  41. Hi, Congratulations for all your work. Sorry for my english, I’m brasilian. I think your blog is so encouraging to do diferent things. Please, I have a doubt, about measure’s recipes. What you mean “t” in front of some ingredients?
    Thanks for share your work you are very talent.


  42. Your pictures are perfect!!

    • Thank you so much– I’m such a critic of my own work. They are SO far from perfect, but I feel like I’m slowly improving and learning!!! There’s something so satisfying about capturing a dessert in a picture. I love it!

  43. Hi Ruthanne! I just discovered your blog and I love it! I’m looking forward to more of your delicious posts!

  44. Thanks so much for stopping by my little site. I just checked out your collection here a bit – what a treasure trove!

  45. Hi Ruthanne!
    Marty from Welcome Home sent me! I love your page & blog! Keep up the good work & photography! So many delicious recipes to try! Thanks again!!

  46. Hello, Ruthanne. I find your blog amazing so I nominated you for the Kreative Blogger Award at http://thenotsocreativecook.wordpress.com/2013/07/21/surprised-to-be-nominated/. Participation is optional and if only you’d like to pass it to others. 🙂

    Happy blogging and I hope that you’re having a great day!


  47. Congratulations! You have been awarded:

    Best Moment Award
    Sunshine Award

    Participation is optional, only if you want to pass the awards to others. Please check your awards at http://thenotsocreativecook.wordpress.com/2013/08/17/o-m-g-for-the-additional-awards/

    Again, Congratulations! 🙂

  48. Wow..beautiful work with the photos and the recipes great idea..I am new at writing..but love baking too..maybe you could do a book..definetly could see the same idea in a cute little book..

    • Maybe someday….? I adore cookbooks…I read them in bed before I fall asleep at night. Sounds like a fun project! Thanks for stopping by and leaving your thoughts!! 🙂

  49. I am glad that I found you…Better late than never:)…Too good a site and I just love it…beautiful clicks and wonderful recipes….You`ve got another follower to your list…..lol

  50. Hi! I’ve just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! http://tastytreats13.wordpress.com/2013/11/13/awards-2/ Congratulations!

  51. I love your site, and your photos are beautiful! I’ve added your site to my Links list on my blog. Have a wonderful day!

  52. Hey Ruthanne! I love your blog!! I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the ‘Blog of the Year’ Award. Here’s the link if you are interesting in accepting it and passing it on: http://myyearofcupcakes.com/2013/12/14/blog-of-the-year-award/

  53. Hi! I have nominated you for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award! Participation is optional, but if you are interested, here is the link: http://tastytreats13.wordpress.com/2013/12/17/dragons-loyalty-award/

  54. How can I follow you on Pinterest? I can’t seem to find you. What is your username and link? Thanks!

  55. Just discovered your blog, yum!

  56. I am a huge fan of your blog. So, I nominated you for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award. If you’re interested, check it out:

    • Aw- thank you!! It was fun to read a bit about you (I play flute,too!!) I’m terrible at paying these awards forward- but I do just love knowing that people enjoy what I post. Thanks!! {hug}

  57. I am absolutely obsessed with your blog! I use it ALL the time! You have the best and cutest ideas. I was wondering if you could help me out-my boyfriend is in the Army and just moved to Fort Carson, CO. I’m still in Oklahoma. He is living with 3 other guys and they have been living on sandwiches and easy mac. They are really wanting some yummy homemade treats. Do you have any ideas of things that would not get crushed or go bad if I mailed them? Just wondering if you knew any previous blog posts off the top of your head that might work! Thank you so much for helping!

  58. Hi, I just wanted to give you a heads up that I gave you (and your blog) a shout-out on *my* blog. 🙂 It’s sort of one of those blogger-on-blogger award things (the Shine On Award, to be specific), and if you’re at all interested in participating, please do. But if not, I just wanted you to know regardless that I love swinging by your blog – thanks for giving me something fun to read and stare at every day. 🙂 By the way, I made Froot Loop Pie for my brother-in-law once and now he begs me to make him MULTIPLES every time he visits. I don’t know how he hasn’t fallen into a Koolaid coma by now.

    Shine On (or Becoming a Gracious Blogger)

  59. I nominated you for the Sunshine Award!

    Sunshine Award

  60. Great site. 😀 Thank you for visiting The Deeper Dessert.

  61. Wow, I just love this blog! Your recipes are so cute and so simple! I will certainly be using some of these recipes any time bringing food somewhere is requested and most definitely will be baking some of these for myself and everyone in my household 🙂

  62. Hi Ruthanne, i have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Do check it out! http://mykitchenmoments.wordpress.com/2014/06/07/more-awards

  63. Thanks for stopping by and liking my post, else I wouldn’t have stumbled upon your pretty blog here. It looks stunning and I absolutely adore the photographs. You have such a creative mind and I would love to try out some of your decorating tips. 🙂

  64. thank you for your bio. I never understood some of the links and never would I purchase from that. But…. now that you explained your situation, I am more inclined to purchase. I know as an artist we spend $$$ to finally create those WOW pieces of art. The same is with your creations. You have spent time and $$$ working out all the bugs so we don’t have to. Thank you, and Thank your for all you do with with genetics and the medical field.

  65. How do you make the coconut cream ingredient for the coconut cupcakes?

  66. Feeling very happy to connect with you, Ruthanne. You have got such a lovely blog. I also love baking so your recipes would be very much helpful for me. 🙂

  67. Loving you blog so far! Baking isn’t my strong suit, so I’m always looking for new recipes to try so I can improve! Your blog is going to help me so much! All the pictures are so wonderful looking, kind of makes me want to grab those cupcakes from the screen and eat them..lol! Keep up the amazing work, you have my following!

  68. Linda Tomolonis

    Can’t wait to try the recipes!

  69. Pingback: Chocolate-Covered Cookie Butter-Stuffed Oreos | the creative life in between

  70. Hi Ruthanne,
    I love your blog. Found it through Pinterest. Great pictures. I was taking photos with my phone camera which is horrible. I currently use a point and shoot but hope to get a fancy Nikon soon 😀.

    • Hi! SO sorry it took me forever to reply to you- I took a two year break from blogging- but I’m back! I’m so glad you are enjoying your time here- and hopefully by now you have gotten your Nikon!!


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