
DBLogoFood Network UKJelloWomen's World Magazine

6 responses »

  1. Do you have a private email I can send you some information on? I don’t want to post it on here.

  2. Hello! I was wondering if you had a recipe for gingerbread cookies?

  3. My son had a ‘how to” book report to do and I thought the chocolate covered oreo reindeer would be a fun kid friendly idea. We had all of it done except packaging if for the class and my son then tells me ” well mom it needs to come from a book”( the day before its due), grrrrr. I found it on your web page and I was wondering if you actually have the recipe in a book, that way he actually get the full credit for it. Thanks

    • I don’t have that particular recipe in a book, but a different type of Oreo pop (fishbowl) are in my book “Life is Sweet- baking devotions for kids”…? It’s similar? I’m not sure how exact the recipe needs to be? Hope that helps!


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