Gingerbread Cut-out Cookies

These gingerbread cookies are my favorite gingerbread cookies ever.  They are a recipe that I got from my grandma (a WONDERFUL cook and baker) many many years ago.  I never tried making them because, well, grandma always made them!  I have wonderful memories of arriving late at their house after a long drive through Christmas traffic and having a plate of these with milk before bed.  My dad and I pretty much ate these by the handful every Christmas season.

My grandma passed away suddenly last week.  When I got back home after the funeral I remembered this recipe and knew I finally needed to try my hand at it- even if it isn’t Christmas yet.  They turned out beautifully and taste just like grandma’s – tasting them reminded me of all the wonderful things I will miss about her.

So, in honor of grandma Ruth- the best gingerbread cookie recipe ever:



  • Cream together butter and sugar.
  • Beat in egg, molasses and vinegar.
  • Blend in sifted dry ingredients.
  • Chill 2-3 hours (this is important– the dough is very easy to roll after chilling)
  • Roll 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch thick on a floured counter or board and cut into shapes.
  • Place on greased cookie sheets.
  • Bake at 375 degrees for about 10 minutes.  Check often- take out when cookies have risen and are easily removed from sheet.
  • Frost as desired (I used royal icing from sugar cookies recipe)

My thoughts:  Thanks grandma- for all the fun and memories and yummy home cooked meals– and most of all for all the love though all of my years.  Someday we will all meet together again in heaven.  Love you…

About Ruthanne

Ruthanne is a scientist with a passion for baking and food photography. Using her kitchen as a lab, she loves experimenting with a variety of flavors and ingredients to create unique, fun and ultimately tasty delights! Thus she created EasyBaked, a website where sugar and chocolate overflow in fun and easy recipes. Her Motto: Money can’t buy happiness -- but it can buy marshmallows, and that’s nearly the same thing!

29 responses »

  1. Lovely post … I’m so sorry that you have lost your grandmother whom you clearly loved so much. Food has always connected us with those we love and memories of them. This is a wonderful way to remember her and honour her.
    Great recipe too, they look every bit as delicious as you say!

  2. What a beautiful post to remember your grandma by. I’m sorry to hear of her passing. I think it’s lovely that you are now making these and I’m sure you’re family is appreciating them hugely. Lovely all round!

  3. Pingback: Maple Cream Ginger Snaps « eASYbAKED

  4. New reader referred from Rufus’ Food and Spirits Guide! I can’t WAIT to try these 🙂 And very sorry for the loss of your grandma, sounds like she was a great lady!

  5. These cookies were so yummy! Thanks for sharing. Rumor has it they were the best Santa had all night.

  6. It provides a warm feeling to know the story behind your recipe. Thank your sharing it. I am sure your grandma is smiling down at everyone enjoying the cookies compliments of her! Can you tell me what the yield is for this recipe. And Happy Holidays.

    • Thanks Susan, so much! I’m sure she would be happy to know lots of people love her recipe. The yield depends entirely on the size of cookie cutters you use. It makes about 24-30 medium sized cookies. Happy Holidays to you too!!!!

  7. What do recommend for cutting the recipe in half? (I’m mainly wondering about the egg)

    • Whenever I need half of an egg I just put the egg in a bowl and beat it with a fork until its combined and then I just add half of the mixture (I just estimate it). Enjoy!!! I just love these yummy cookies from grandma!

  8. Thank you for sharing this recipe! I will be making it to create the Gingerbread Man for my kindergarten class tomorrow. It sounds like the perfect recipe to create this magical experience. 🙂

  9. I made these cookies today. Your Grandma would be proud.

  10. Thank you so much for an original recipe. I have looked all over for one and came upon yours. I have a grand-daughter that is just a little over one and I wanted to start a tradition with her. I look forward to the day she can help make them, but not going to rush it.

    • Aw. It makes me SO happy that my grandma’s recipe will become a tradition with YOUR family. I’m sure she would be thrilled. Thanks for telling me- you made me smile!!!

  11. Thanks for sharing! God bless you and your grandma Ruth!!

  12. Your grandma hit a home run with this recipe! I just baked a batch and they are delicious! Thank you for sharing your grandma’s treasure.

    • It makes me so happy to know that her recipe is being enjoyed by other families now. I always think of her this time of year- its so strange to not be visiting for Christmas. I might need to make a batch of these myself! Thanks so much for sharing!

  13. Pingback: Christmas Card Cookies | eASYbAKED

  14. Here it is 2 days before Christmas and I am searching for gingerbread man recipes for my twin granddaughters who are just two. I found your recipe and think if it was made by a grandma then it will be good for this grandma too. Thanks for passing on a precious part of your family to us this Christmas. Merry Merry to you all.

    Deborah( a Gran in Toronto)

    • Ah- and I am SO far behind on replying! Somehow your comment got lost in the shuffle. Thank you- I pray you and your sweet grandkids loved these cookies- and a very belated Merry Christmas to you!! 🙂

  15. The food looks great
    1. But what I love most are the pictures, “now” and. “Then”. Thank you. And oh, I will be making these cookies soon.💜

  16. Pingback: Gingerbread Easter Eggs | eASYbAKED

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