A collection of mini cupcakes and a fundraiser for FUSION!

This post is a mid-week collection of cupcake recipes and a celebration for my friend Josh who is a missionary in Slovakia.  Those of you who have followed my blog for awhile will remember my lack of recipe posts for several weeks every summer because I travel to Slovakia to work with a mission organization called Josiah Venture.  This organization helps local churches reach teenagers with the message of God’s love for them.  Two of the ways they do this is through English camps (Americans going and teaching English–which is how I’ve been a part) and also through teaching music at camps.  My friend Josh heads up the music portion of this ministry in Slovakia.  After camps, he is able to go into schools and start clubs that teach music theory and also various instruments.  Many of the kids he works with come from really difficult home situations and they call Fusion “family”.

Easybaked was able to come alongside Josh for a fundraiser for Fusion this past weekend.  He hosted a coffeehouse and we helped provide (800!) mini-cupcakes in 8 different flavors.  It was such a great time to hear about what God is doing in Slovakia though Josh and Josiah Venture, and a lot of support was raised to help him in his work.

I rarely stray from simply sharing my recipes here, but I just had to give a shout-out to Josh and his hard work with these teens.  If you’d like to know more about him just click here.  You’ll be taken to his home page with Josiah Venture and also connected with his blog.

Thanks for giving your life here up to serve God far from home Josh!!!!!

Now cupcakes……

800 would have been impossible to do alone I think (how do bakeries manage?!?) So I enlisted 7 friends to help.  We had a training session in making butter cream and piping it and WOW—they did such a great job!!!!

These were our practice cupcakes….which we promptly ate up!

The night of the event we brought all of our unfrosted cupcakes to the venue and piped and decorated there– it ended up being a lot of fun to do them all together:


The eight flavors of cupcakes came either directly from the pages of easybaked- or they were inspired by a recipe here.  Since we are racing toward the holiday season, I thought I’d share each of the recipes with you in a unique way– with free printable recipe cards.  That way you can make them and share the recipe with your friends and family!  Fun!!

Click on the photo to be taken directly to the easybaked recipe that inspired the mini-cupcake.  Click on the words “recipe cards” under each photo to get a pdf that you can print and share.

Red Raspberry Minis — recipe card               Andes Mint Minis  — recipe card

Caramel Apple Minis — recipe card       Cinnamon Roll Minis — recipe card

Strawberry Lemonade — recipe card       Bubble Gum Minis– recipe card

Chocolate Ganache Minis–recipe card     Wedding Cake Minis —recipe card

The very last recipe wasn’t inspired by any recipe in particular, so if you click on the photo you will simply get….a photo.  Sorry about that!  My apologies also for the photography ~ my iphone did all of the work on this post 🙂

I hope you enjoy this collection of cupcake recipes and cards~ and thank you for allowing me to share a little bit of my heart with you in this post!  Back soon– in the meantime….enjoy!  ~r

About Ruthanne

Ruthanne is a scientist with a passion for baking and food photography. Using her kitchen as a lab, she loves experimenting with a variety of flavors and ingredients to create unique, fun and ultimately tasty delights! Thus she created EasyBaked, a website where sugar and chocolate overflow in fun and easy recipes. Her Motto: Money can’t buy happiness -- but it can buy marshmallows, and that’s nearly the same thing! www.easybaked.net

26 responses »

  1. Can I just say WOW!

  2. Wow, these look great! Congrats on getting so many cupcakes out in one night and for such a wonderful cause too 🙂

  3. What wonderful work your friend, Josh, is doing! I will be praying for his future missions there. Music is such a great way to reach others, especially across language barriers! That’s awesome that you were able to support him, while also doing something you love too 🙂 Thanks for sharing about this!

  4. You are amazing!!! I love the recipe cards – thank you so much for thinking of that. Okay here’s my question – dumb as it may be (I’m new at this!!). When you put the batter in the little mini liners, do you spray them with baking spray or just put in and hope they don’t stick?? Oh, and another question while I’m at it — a tutorial please on your amazing frosting technique!! Love your site!!

    • That’s not a dumb question at all Donna— you don’t need to spray the cupcake liners 1st–they will peel off your cupcakes just fine. If this is your 1st time with mini cupcakes I will suggest this tip: use a small cookie scoop to put the batter in each cup. It is SO much easier than spooning the batter in. I am in the process of adding a bunch of video tutorials to my techniques page, and piping frosting is at the top of the list!! In the meantime, I refer people to this great video (she has an amazing accent!) that I actually learned from. Just click here to be taken to it. Nice to meet you!

  5. Ruthanne!

    I’m touched by your friend’s decision to be a missionary in Slovakia, giving up a comfortable life to do God’s work.

    And what a massive job of making and decorating 800 cupcakes. I still have to get a piper and learn to pipe!! am looking forward to your piping and frosting video tutorials 🙂

    keep up the good work & please keep on inspiring us!


  6. i was not able to open up the wedding cupcakes card. I did open the chocolate ganache.

    • The Wedding cupcakes picture doesn’t link to a companion recipe, but if you click on the “recipe card” words it should come up…? I just tried it and it came up for me? Sorry you are having trouble getting it to open….!

  7. petit4chocolatier

    You are incredible! And your friend is too!
    Love the thought and cupcakes!

  8. Keep doing what you’re doing!

  9. Friends, a good cause, wonderful work!

  10. 800 cupcakes! That’s brilliant and they look sooooo good. Go you on the good work you do to help the young people. I’m a high school teacher myself and I work with underpriveledged and what we call ‘at risk’ kids so I know just how much help these kids need and just how much hope Faith and a little kindness can give them. God Bless

    Oh and for the record I really want to follow your blog but it may have to wait till I reach my goal weight or the temptation will be far too great.

    • Lol- I do have such a hard time thinking low calorie and carb recipes here… I’m back to my diet after the holidays are past. And YOU go- my goodness- investing in kids- the world needs more people like you!! Glad we met! By the way- when your diet is over, the ganache cupcake recipe here is gluten free and my celiac friends love it 🙂

  11. How much do ur services cost?

  12. I don’t have a cake mix in my kitchen right now so I’m wondering if it tells you how long to bake the “Mini-Cupcakes” on the box? If not, could you share how long you baked yours? Thanks for sharing the recipes etc.

  13. Your mini cupcakes look so good. It really has helped me with ideas for my home business.


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